Marine Cargo insurance
Cargo insurance includes domestic transport insurance and international transport insurance:

1- Inland Cargo insurance
This insurance covers shipments whose origin, destination and transportation route are located in the geographical area of Iran against the risks of accidents caused by vehicles, fire, explosion, throwing and overturning, and at the request of the insured, by receiving additional premiums, it extends the scope of coverage to damages resulting from unloading and loading operations, theft of the entire shipment, breakdown, flooding, etc.
2- International Cargo insurance
It includes all types of import, export and transit shipments and is issued according to the standard conditions of the London Insurers Institute, with each of the conditions A, B, C, etc., which are approved by insurers and international legal authorities.
Types of Coverages:-
Total loss
In this insurance, the total damage of the goods in one step as a result of the vehicle fire or its complete sinking, will be covered.
Risks covered by the set of conditions (A)
This insurance covers all risks that lead to the loss or damage of the insured goods, except for the exceptions in the text of the clause.
Public damages
Joint responsibility in a collision
Risks covered by set of conditions (B)
This insurance covers the following risks, except for the exceptions in the text of the clause. Loss or damage to the object of insurance that is reasonably related to one of the following:
- Fire or explosion.
- Sitting on mud, and hitting with the seabed, sinking or overturning of a ship or vessel.
- Overturning or derailing off the land transport vehicle.
- Collision of a ship, vessel or any other means of transport with any foreign object other than water.
- Unloading of goods in the emergency port.
- Earthquake, volcano or lightning
- Sacrificing goods during public damages.
- Throwing the goods into the sea to lighten the ship or the goods falling into the sea from the deck of the ship.
- The entry of sea, lake or river water into a ship, vessel, container, or warehouse.
- Total loss of each package in the ship or vessel or total loss of any package due to falling while loading or unloading the ship or vessel.
Public damages
Joint responsibility in a collision
Risks covered by set of conditions (C)
This insurance covers the following risks, except for the exceptions in the text of the clause. Loss or damage to the object of insurance that is reasonably related to one of the following:-
Fire or explosion.
- Sitting on mud, and hitting with the seabed, sinking or overturning of a ship or vessel.
- Overturning or derailing off the land transport vehicle.
- Collision of a ship, vessel or any other means of transport with any foreign object other than water.
- Unloading of goods in the emergency port.
- Earthquake, volcano or lightning
- Sacrificing goods during public damages.
- Throwing the goods into the sea to lighten the ship or the goods falling into the sea from the deck of the ship.
- The entry of sea, lake or river water into a ship, vessel, container, or warehouse.
- loss or damage of the insured good due to the following reasons:
- Sacrificing goods during public damages.
- Throwing the goods into the sea to lighten the ship.
Public damages
Joint responsibility in a collision
Some of the exceptions in clauses A, B, C:
Cargo insurances does not cover the following risks in any way:-
Loss, damage or expense attributable to the Insured's intentional misconduct
- Normal leakage, normal deficit of weight or volume or normal wear and tear of the insured product.
- Loss, damage or expense due to insufficient or inappropriate packaging or preparation of the insured goods provided that the packaging or preparation was done before the start of this insurance or by the insured or his staff and cannot stand dealing with the usual accidents in the insured trip. (In cases related to this condition, "packaging" also includes the placement of the insured goods in the container and the employees are not considered as independent contractors)
- Loss, damage or expense due to an inherent defect or the nature of the goods insured.
- Loss, damage or expense caused by a delay, even if the delay is due to insurance risks. (Excluding fees payable under paragraph 2)
- Loss, damage or expense resulting from the insolvency or bankruptcy of the ship's owners, managers, renters or operators or failure to fulfill financial obligations on the part of one of them, provided that the insurer, when loading the insured goods on board, is aware or should be naturally aware in the course of his business that this hardship or financial incapacity can prevent him from continuing his journey. This exception does not apply if the insurance contract has been assigned to another party (the party claiming damages) who has purchased the insurance subject in good faith and under a binding contract or has agreed to purchase it.
- Loss, damage, or expense that is directly or indirectly due to or the result of the use of any weapon or device that operates with atomic energy or nuclear fracture or nuclear compound or other similar reaction or force or radioactive material.
- Inability of the ship, vessel or to be navigable or its being unsuitable for the safe carriage of the insured goods, provided that the insured is aware of the lack of navigability or the ship or that the vessel is unsuitable when loading the insured goods by carriage.
- Inadequacy of the container or means of transport for safe transport of the insured goods, provided that the loading of goods inside or outside these vehicles has been done before the start of this insurance policy or has been done by the insured or his employees and they are aware of the inadequacy of the equipment mentioned at the time of loading the insured goods.
What is Marine Cargo insurance?
Cargo insurance includes domestic transport insurance and international transport insurance.
All insurances
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